ClinicSource, FusionWeb, and TheraPlatform

private practice software

ClinicSource, FusionWeb, and TheraPlatform are specialized software tools tailored for therapists in private practice and offer a comprehensive suite of features that include an Electronic Health Record (EHR), practice management, and teletherapy.

When it comes to evaluating software options, two key factors to consider are pricing and features. In this article, we will delve into the pricing and features of each platform to empower you with the info needed to make an informed decision for your private therapy practice.

Pricing comparison:

For both solo practitioners and group practices, EHR and practice management functionalities like scheduling, appointment reminders, documentation, billing, and insurance claims submissions are essential for efficient operations.

For solo therapists, the pricing for each platform is as follows:
  • ClinicSource: $74.95 a month for the first user

  • FusionWeb: $89 a month for a single user plus taxes for a basic plan

  • TheraPlatform: $39 per month

The monthly rates for a single user are almost double with ClinicSource and FusionWeb compared to TheraPlatform.

When it comes to group practices, TheraPlatform is the most cost-effective solution over ClinicSource.

Start 30-day Free Trial and explore TheraPlatform. HIPAA Compliant Video and Practice Management Software for Therapists.

Group practice pricing structure

  • Five (the minimum) full-time clinicians in a group practice using ClinicSource would pay $230.75/month

  • Five full-time clinicians in a group practice using TheraPlatform would pay $225/month under the Pro plan.

In addition to the monthly user subscriptions, another consideration when looking at costs are scalability and the ability for the software to grow with your practice. The table below helps articulate this concept further. FusionWebClinic mandates at least 5 users for its group plan. With TheraPlatform, you have more flexibility for the number of therapists you can add to your plan.

Group practice costs

Cost comparison



Savings using TheraPlatform

Monthly costs (5 FT clinicians)




Annual costs (5 FT clinicians)




ClinicSource vs FusionWeb vs TheraPlatform scheduling features


  • ClinicSource, FusionWeb, and TheraPlatform all offer scheduling features.

  • Only TheraPlatform and ClinicSource provide an online website booking widget, with TheraPlatform offering it at a more affordable price.





Unlimited clients

Appointment email reminders

Appointment text reminders

Client portal

Booking widget for your website

Google calendar sync

Secure client messaging

Free scheduler users

ClinicSource vs FusionWeb vs TheraPlatform documentation


TheraPlatform surpasses the other two platforms in terms of automation and customization for documentation, including the option to add the Wiley Treatment Plan from the Pro Plus plan.

TheraPlatform documentation

  • Library of templates

  • Ability to build templates from scratch

  • Note template customization

  • Custom documentation available in all plans

  • Wiley Treatment Planner available under the ProPlus plan for $15 per provider

  • Co-sign capability

  • Ability to share documentation with clients and request e-signatures

  • Ability to e-fax documents and notes and receive e-faxes

ClinicSource documentation

  • Custom documentation available

  • Wiley Treatment Planner available

FusionWeb documentation

  • Templates with customization (Templates)

  • Co-sign

  • No ability to efax any documents or notes

  • Wiley Treatment Planner as an add-on for $25 per provider

For niche practice therapists or for clinicians who need to document in specific ways, creating custom templates for higher prices is a deal breaker. Additionally, when health insurance documentation requirements change, the ability to have flexible documentation is a definite advantage.

Documentation features





✅ (Themes)

Therapy notes

Assessments and treatment plans

Template library

Ability to customize notes

Template builder

Note duplication

Goals/progress tracking

Paperless intakes & consents

Intake and consent builder

Homework sharing


Add on

Add-on in ProPlus Plan

Wiley Treatment planner

Tier 3 plan

$25/per therapist

Available in ProPlus plan for $15

ClinicSource vs FusionWeb vs TheraPlatform billing features

TheraPlatform stands out with better customization and automation for billing when compared to ClinicSource and FusionWeb.

TheraPlatform is the sole platform that offers both auto and manual claim submission.





Clients can pay online

Credit card processing

Auto pay (client’s card can be charged automatically)



Invoice & superbill batching

Add on

Electronic claim filing

Add on

Claim batching

Automated claims



Coverage report and insurance verification

Billing reports

Add on

Free biller accounts

Start 30-day Free Trial and explore TheraPlatform. HIPAA Compliant Video and Practice Management Software for Therapists.

While features are comparable, you’ll note that TheraPlatform offers a full suite of features while ClinicSource provides similar features as add-ons that could drive up costs. FusionWeb also includes these features but they’re part of a tiered program that could jump as high as $159 a month plus taxes.

ClinicSource vs FusionWeb vs TheraPlatform telehealth features

TheraPlatform excels with robust and dynamic telehealth features, encompassing built-in teaching aids, group telehealth sessions, interactive screen sharing, and more.

TheraPlatform’s telehealth features include:
  • Built-in teaching aids

  • Group telehealth sessions

  • Screen sharing that is interactive for both clinicians and their clients

  • Built-in whiteboard and Pro Plus plan built in-apps

  • In-session video play

  • Video recording session with ability to turn this feature on or off

Telehealth features




Unlimited telehealth sessions

Group sessions

Interactive whiteboard

Your own resource library

Resource sharing with annotations

Built-in apps and activities/exercises


✅ Pro Plus plan

Screen sharing (with access control)

Secure chat


Custom waiting room

Virtual backgrounds

HIPAA session recording


Which EMR is right for you: ClinicSource vs FusionWeb vs TheraPlatform?

Ultimately, the choice between ClinicSource, FusionWeb, and TheraPlatform depends on your unique needs and preferences. TheraPlatform shines through for its customization, cost-effectiveness, and scalability, making it a favored option for therapists valuing these features. However, conducting thorough research, utilizing free trials and demos, and comparing the features will undoubtedly guide you in making the best decision for your practice.

As mentioned before, pricing is a factor when choosing the best EHR for your practice. As you’re choosing, keep in mind which features are included in the price. For example, many features come standard with TheraPlatform while you will need to pay extra for ClinicSource and FusionWeb.

Pro tip: Creating a must-have list of features can also help you decide if a platform is the right fit for your practice.

Why choose TheraPlatform as your EMR and practice management software?

TheraPlatform stands out from other platforms for its customization, cost effectiveness and scalability. It offers customizable forms and templates with ability to build any form and template from scratch. It includes more automation for billing and insurance. In addition, it offers a few add-ons such as built-in e-fax and Wiley treatment planners in its Pro Plus plan.

Why do therapists love TheraPlatform?

Therapists who’ve used other EHR systems say TheraPlatform is easy and intuitive.

TheraPlatform for my business has been a game changer.Danny Zander, Founder of SISU Vision Rehabilitation

Therapists who switched from ClinicSource to TheraPlatform frequently report that TheraPlatform is better for the value and billing.

Better than ClinicSource for the value. I spent a lot of time searching for the ‘right’ EMR. TheraPlatform has been the best of all worlds! Reasonably priced, effective HIPAA compliant teletherapy, included materials if desired, intuitive charting options, and available in-system billing through stripe. Currently I'm taking advantage of the system's ability to generate invoices and Superbills automatically. This EMR is really helping me to run my practice more smoothly!
Kendrah B., posted 2/8/2022 (Trustpilot)

Reduce costs with the most comprehensive and affordable EMR

Sign up for a 30-day free trial with no credit card and cancel at any time or book a demo to see if TheraPlatform is a match for your private practice.

Looking to transition from your current EMR to TheraPlatform? We can help! Contact us today.

This article is only educational in nature and comparisons of each software is based on information provided by each company on their pricing pages. The features covered in this article are the key features.

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SimplePractice, TherapyNotes and TheraPlatform, which provide EMR and telehealth for solo and group private practices, are compared for features and pricing.

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