Effectiveness of telepractice

Telepractice has been proven to be effective by more than 40 academic studies. Listed below are some of the published research studies on telepractice.
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 72(12):1116-1122, J.R. Duffy, G.W. Werven and A.E. Aronson, December 1997: Results of the Mayo Clinic’s project indicate that “Telemedicine evaluations can be reliable, beneficial, and acceptable to patients with a variety of acquired speech and language disorders, both in rural settings and within large multidisciplinary medical settings.”
The Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Kent State University (Ohio) and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio) are great research contributors to the field of telepractice. One of their research projects demonstrates that telepractice is as effective as traditional speech therapy: “Student progress reports indicated that the children made similar progress.”
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Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Susan E. Palsbo, Center for Health and Disability Research, 2007: This study was conducted to determine if telepractice was equivalent to in-person service delivery. Results show that "post-discharge therapy and evaluation using videoconferencing are equivalent to face-to-face therapy and evaluation for post-stroke patients."
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, "An Internet-Based Telerehabilitation System for the Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders: A Pilot Study," Anne J. Hill, Deborah G. Theodoros, Trevor G. Russell, Louise M. Cahill, Elizabeth C. Ward and Kathy M. Clark, February 2006: This study explored the effectiveness of telepractice application for the assessment of acquired motor speech disorders.
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The researchers of this study concluded that "the online assessment of motor speech disorders using an Internet-based telerehabilitation system is feasible. This study suggests that with additional refinement of the technology and assessment protocols, reliable assessment of motor speech disorders over the Internet is possible."
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